
Forget about ads and improve your digital security!

  • Filter out ads and shady content
  • Enjoy extra privacy and cleaner browsing
  • Check data leaks for your information

Privacy is a right, and we'll let you keep this right.

Our app does not collect any personal traceable information, nor share it with third parties.

With adPurge we will not only respect your privacy, but will do our best to keep third parties from getting your data.

Why adPurge?

Awesome Filtering

Use our list of filters to start browsing a cleaner and safer Internet

Data Leaks

It's dangerous when your information is in open access. Track such instances and take measures!

Enhanced Privacy

No-logs policy allows you to keep your privacy intact while using our app.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does adPurge work?
Just choose the preferred filters, tap a button and enjoy cleaner, safer browsing.
How do I use adPurge?
You'll need to decide which subscription suits you better, download the app and follow our instructions to disable ads online!
How do I use Data Leak feature?
Just enter your email and we'll scan known leakages to learn if your info was sent into open access.
Can my device be protected by adPurge?
Sure, so long as it runs on iOS.
Is adPurge free?
You can use a free trial and test our app before purchasing the subscription, but after that adPurge will only work with a subscription.